
You two, or three or even masses of you ...

You two, or three or even masses of you ... can make a difference in government accountability. By attending donating time to listen to what people have to say . Sure some may be swearing some may be at times incoherent , but they all have something to teach us if we listen and share our experiences with each other , we will realise the similiarities that are inherent in each of us as we are being manipulated , lied to by other people to make us all seem disimiliar, or even though we are not , indifferent, just banal slaves , incapable so we begin to look away and concentrate on just that gratification it is to be a slave to debt for pleasures on earth . These toys and excesses we thrive on , a cottage at the lake that remains empty while you pay , and your boat or watercraft or snowmobile that is barely used , because you can afford the debt, they give you a percentage of "your" income to use for them to give you payments , you deserve . Credit is always your debt , a fine or surcharge , an increase in banking fees , as the dollar fluctuates , set by those who say what it is for you . You do not look good in that "old " vehicle or your phone is "out of date " , the battery died and wtf would you want to replace it?, Buy a new one we will set you up with a "plan" for anything "we can devise " a scheme to take your time and give you credit for time spent waiting for it " wait now wait " you are a slave to society running around talking about the president like your opinions matter who gives a fuck ? but you to change the s.h.i.t. that happens? voice your opinion not your frustration or denigration but make sense and not just create a debt . A void by ignorance or arrogance , a deficit. no be a benefiet , not a slave to societies , hypocrisy.


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