
Alternate History: What If The Vikings Stayed In America?

Alternate History: What If The Vikings Stayed In America? What if the Norse Vikings had decided to settle in North America, establishing a permanent colony not long after explorer Leif Erickson's discovery of Vinland centuries before the arrival of Columbus? What might motivate this change, and how would it shape America's future? What would it mean for the other Norse colonies of Iceland and Greenland?
#AlternateHistory #MonsieurZ #Vikings

New Videos Every Wednesday At 2:30 PM EST

Music Used: Epic Journey, Destination Unknown

Alternate History,Althist,Alternative History,Alternate Historian,What If,History,Historian,History Of,The Vikings,North America,Vinland,Newfoundland,What If The Vikings Colonized America,What If The Vikings Conquered America,Norse,Vikings,Vikings In America,Viking Site,America,Viking History,Explained,Why Didn't The Vikings Colonize America,Norse History,Native Americans,Ragnar,Unsolved Mysteries,Questions,Why,When,Did,Greenland,Iceland,Norway,Norse Mythology,

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