
Brian Williams And Mara Gay Make Fools Of Themselves 'Doing The Math' On What Bloomberg Spent

Brian Williams And Mara Gay Make Fools Of Themselves 'Doing The Math' On What Bloomberg Spent Wow, MSNBC. You know your segment is really bad when even CNN can make fun of you. Brian, dude, do you even math? Do they think there are 500 people in America? Even this Twitchy editor who has not had enough coffee to truly be all that clever yet can see this doesn’t exactly add up.

Maybe they were making fun of it but their snark was so lame people thought they were being serious? Maybe? Work with us, people. -- You elitists with your geography and your maps. And your fancy numbers and math. HILLBILLIES!

More at:
Twitchy: This can’t be REAL: Watch MSNBC’s Brian Williams and his guest make complete fools of themselves over a tweet ‘doing the math’ on what Bloomberg spent

Twitchy: Math WIZARD behind original Bloomberg tweet DOUBLES DOWN on claim he could give EVERYONE a million bucks

Twitchy: To the rescue! Shaun King and others circle the wagons for Mara Gay after she humiliates herself (and Brian Williams) on MSNBC

Twitchy: ‘Well, ACKSHULLY …’: We didn’t think it possible but Buzzfeed’s piece on Brian Williams’ math even WORSE than the gaffe

Twitchy: Daily Beast reporter/MSNBC contributor on Mara Gay & Brian Williams’ EPIC fail: Nobody has ever said journalists are good at math


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