Maybe they were making fun of it but their snark was so lame people thought they were being serious? Maybe? Work with us, people. -- You elitists with your geography and your maps. And your fancy numbers and math. HILLBILLIES!
More at:
Twitchy: This can’t be REAL: Watch MSNBC’s Brian Williams and his guest make complete fools of themselves over a tweet ‘doing the math’ on what Bloomberg spent
Twitchy: Math WIZARD behind original Bloomberg tweet DOUBLES DOWN on claim he could give EVERYONE a million bucks
Twitchy: To the rescue! Shaun King and others circle the wagons for Mara Gay after she humiliates herself (and Brian Williams) on MSNBC
Twitchy: ‘Well, ACKSHULLY …’: We didn’t think it possible but Buzzfeed’s piece on Brian Williams’ math even WORSE than the gaffe
Twitchy: Daily Beast reporter/MSNBC contributor on Mara Gay & Brian Williams’ EPIC fail: Nobody has ever said journalists are good at math