
How to Find a Job You Love: Why 'Meaningful Work' is Vital to Your Mental Health

How to Find a Job You Love: Why 'Meaningful Work' is Vital to Your Mental Health Get a free charisma assessment at

"Meaningful Work" is something we'd all like to have, yet these days it seems very few actually do. At a certain point, there's no magical salary that justifies working at a job you hate 8 hours a day (or more). The cost to your mental health over time can be staggering... especially when you realize you've sunk a decade or more into what amounts to a "road to nowhere." This of course leads us to the real question: how to find a job you love? That's a very personal decision, but it's one you'd better make sooner than later.



I have worked as an Executive Coach since 2003, running programs practically every weekend for the last 17 years in over 100 cities across North America, Australia, Africa and Europe. I’m extremely passionate about getting my students ACTUAL RESULTS and am continually improving my program to achieve this end.

In 2017 I created RESONATOR, the professional guide to healthy powerful and attractive vocal projection technique.

My next project is Charisma Mastery, a comprehensive guide to isolating and strengthening the elements of your communication system and reintegrating them in a more completely realized whole.

Instagram: JeffyHimself

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