
Intermediate #21 Which tenses go together in French verbs associations with IF or SI

Intermediate #21 Which tenses go together in French verbs associations with IF or SI Learn how to use verbs of different tenses together within IF or SI phrases my friend.

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SI + présent, futur simple
SI + imparfait, conditionnel
SI + plus-que-parfait, conditionnel passé

1. Si tu fais un gâteau, ça sentira bon dans toute la maison tellement tu es une bonne cuisinière.
If you bake a cake, it will smell nice in the whole house because you are such a good cook.

Learn more about the verbs to translate To cook in French here Beginner #8 What are the two ways of saying TO COOK in #French?

2. Si tu lui faisais une surprise pour son anniversaire, je suis sûre qu'il serait vraiment heureux.
If you were to surprise him for his birthday, I am sure he would be really happy.

3. Si nous pouvions aller au magasin maintenant, nous serions revenus bien avant la tombée de la nuit.
If we were able to go to the store now, we would be home way before dark.

4. Si je perds à ce match, mon sponsor ne renouvellera pas le contrat qui nous unit.
If I loose that game, my sponsor will not renew the contract which is binding us.

5. Si tu étends le linge dehors, il sèchera plus vite.
If you put the laundry on the line outside, it will dry quicker.

6. La machine à laver serait plus efficace si tu achetais une lessive appropriée.
The washing machine would be more efficient if you were buying appropriate detergent.

7. Les enfants feraient leurs devoirs correctement s'ils avaient plus d'aide de la part de leurs parents.
Children would do their homework properly if they had more help from their parents.

8. Je lirai ce livre si tu m'en laisses le temps.
I will read that book if you allow me some time.

9. La diplomacie serait plus facile si les parties aux négociations étaient toujours de bonne foi.
Diplomacy would be easier if the parties to the negotiations were always acting in good faith.

10. S'il avait fait beau hier, je serais allé(e) pêcher.
If the weather had been nice yesterday, I would have gone fishing.

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