This series is practically as it happens on my Paros block. Here I will show how I take it from near decertified rock into water harvesting and usage systems. Secession planning through trees. How and where to place roads to minimise erosion, Food and timber forest development, where and how to build swales. utilising natural / wild energies and much more. Stay tuned Kostas Creating Sustainability. It is funny to me, how quickly I am transforming this property from an over farmed, desertified block, that had not regenerated even after 50 years of being left to nature into "well come and see for yourself. If you are watching from YouTube and not Facebook please Subscribe, like share and hit the bell icon. PLEASE NOTE I am not doing any of this for money as I believe knowledge that helps humanity and the planet, should be shared freely. Kostas Creating Sustainability - 2020 'the year of clearer vision'.