
Little Town Hero - Adventure Awaits...? - The Right Idea

Little Town Hero - Adventure Awaits...? - The Right Idea Chapter 1 - Adventure Awaits...?
Part 1
(Don't forget to click on "SHOW MORE" for the rest of the description!)

If you're looking for Part 2, here is the link:

Back in October 2019, I asked what game to cover next. The votes unanimously went to Little Town Hero, so here it is! There will be a physical release coming real soon as well, and knowing the glacial pace I put these up, it's probably going to be available as I'm still going through this. This time around, however, I have the entire playthrough on my computer, from beginning of the game to the end at 100% completion.

Little Town Hero is known mainly for two things. The first is that Toby Fox, the person behind Undertale, composed this game's soundtrack. The second is that this game was made during development of Pokémon Sword and Shield, and due to the incomplete-feeling nature of Sword and Shield, took the blame for taking staff members and resources away from the larger project. (Game Freak being the size that it is, this is not true. I'll explain in some other video's description, though I don't know if it'd be this game or not.)

Known simply as "Town" when it was earlier in development, Little Town Hero is set entirely within a small rural village. It has a castle and a king, so it really is technically a city-state, but the point is that this castle is the only way in and out of the town. The story follows Axe, a young man apprenticed at the mines who yearns to see the outside world. We begin with him and his inventor friend Nelz attempting to trick the guards into getting in the castle, but he's not clever enough to actually make it all the way in. Instead, Axe decides he's going to try to be a soldier, as soldiers get to roam about the castle as they please. Somehow, this catches the attention of big-time soldier Angard (whose name, of course, is a corruption of "en garde"), who teaches him the basics of combat. In this universe, combat is turn-based, but it follows an incredibly convoluted one. It's one I did eventually get used to (and you'll see it in the easy time I have in the earlier chapters). Bear with me here, but there is no way to adequately explain this game's battle system in a simple way.

When Axe enters battle, he'll have one or more Ideas. They're depicted as thought balloons. Ideas are classified into Izzits and Dazzits. All of Axe's Ideas begin as Izzits, and he has to pay the cost shown in the middle of the thought balloon to activate it into a Dazzit so Axe can actually use it. The units are known as Power. Axe begins each battle with 3 Power, which can increase up to 6 as the battle goes on (despite the illustration showing it can reach 7). Power is fully restored at the beginning of the following turn.

Axe's adversaries will also have Ideas. All of them will already be Dazzits and thus capable of attacking Axe. You must use Axe's Dazzits to counter theirs. See those numbers to the right of the Axe's Ideas? (The opponents' Ideas havw them to the left.) The top one is the Idea's attack value (denoted by a red sword), and the bottom is the Idea's defense value (denoted by a blue shield--just a coincidence, I'm sure). When Dazzits clash, each Dazzit will deplete the other Dazzit's defense value equal to its own attack value. When a Dazzit's defense reaches 0 or lower, that Idea breaks. Your goal, during each turn, is to break all of the foe's Ideas. Any Dazzits that remain at the end of a turn will still be there when the next turn begins, as will any changes in their values, and this goes for both sides.

Breaking all of a foe's Ideas, in turn, triggers Chance Time. If you have at least one active Red Dazzit, or a Red Izzit with enough Power to activate it, you can use it to inflict Body damage (direct damage) to the foe, depicted on the bottom as hearts. Otherwise, Axe gains 1 BP (more on that later). The battle goes on until one side loses all of their hearts.

Axe's Ideas come in three colors: Red, Yellow, and Blue. Red Ideas represent attacks. They can only be used once per turn but are the only kind that can be used in a Chance Time. (In other words, Body damage in Chance Time can only be done with a Red Dazzit that hasn't been used yet that turn.) Yellow Ideas represent guards. They can be used as many times as you like until they break, but they cannot be used in Chance Time. Blue Ideas create miscellaneous effects. They don't have attack or defense values and instead endow their effects, then disappear without a clash once used. Ideally, you want to use as many Yellow Dazzits as possible during a turn, then have a Red Idea ready for Chance Time.

All of the opponents' attack Dazzits function like they're Red, used once per turn. When the opponent runs out of unused Dazzits, the turn ends. Opponents may also have effect Dazzits (like your Blue ones).

Got all that? Because we're getting more mechanics in the next video, and I'll explain them there!

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