
Peter Phillips - 'Does Boris Have a Cunning Plan......or plans?'

Peter Phillips  -  'Does Boris Have a Cunning Plan......or plans?' A couple of years ago the speaker, Peter Phillips, gave a talk to the Alternative for Britain forum in which he posed the question “Does Mrs May have a cunning plan?” This was largely in connection with the Brexit negotiations that had recently started, in which her initial stance was somewhat confusing to say the least. Mr Phillips concluded that he didn’t know the answer to his question but he was hopeful that she was nevertheless planning welcome changes to longstanding Conservative industrial and social policies following a speech she had made not long after her electoral victory. We now know, sadly, that she had no plans at all, let alone cunning ones!

At the beginning of Boris Johnson’s tenure of No.10, Peter Phillips now poses the same question of him - “Does Boris have a cunning plan” or more precisely, cunning plans a) for Brexit; b) for reversing the Conservative Party’s steady shift to the left; c) for changing the Party's rigid and damaging laissez-faire approach to the economy and foreign inward investment (well foreign take over really); and finally d) whether he is is going to allow the Party to continue to be dictated by foreign influences and money.

The talk was given on 6th February 2020, before the Government’s ‘points system’ immigration policy, and the go ahead of HS2, were announced - issues that are referred to in the talk.

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