Jason Glover, everyday dad and host of Dads That Cook, has a clear mission….He’s going around the country - and sometimes abroad - to find dads who love to cook and create incredible meals for their families. It’s simple. No Experts. Just Good Cooking!
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#dadsthatcook #yogurtpierecipe #frozendessertrecipes
I wanted to share a quick, simple, easy little dessert that I learned when I was a kid. I call it yogurt pie.
This is something that you can make within just a couple of minutes. Throw it in a freezer. By the time you are done with your dinner, this dessert's ready to come out and everyone's going to enjoy it.
Let's get to it. These are the ingredients you are going to need. Now, you can use any kind of flavor of yogurt that you want. I happen to choose pineapple today. You want to get the yogurt with the actual fruit in it.
Let's start off by making our whipped cream. Now, you can go to the store and get the store bought stuff that comes in a little tub. At least that's how I learned how to make it when I was kid. But I'm going to do a little bit more gourmet for you today.
We're going to get our whipped cream. We're going to put it in this handy dandy little bowl here, okay? So, let's just dump all of that into there. Then we're going to take a little bit of our cinnamon. We're just going to couple little dashes. You don't want a lot of cinnamon. And then we're going to take a little bit of vanilla. Literally you're just going to give it a couple of drops in there.
When we take our sugar, we throw our sugar in. All right, so now what we're going to do is we're going to blend our whipped cream. We'll blend this up on like a medium high kind of blend.
This could take a couple of minutes. It doesn't take very long. We want a nice, kind of thick consistency. You could blend this by hand and that's a lot of fun. It'll take you a long time. I highly suggest having a mixer/blender field.
All right, yeah. It's getting pretty thick now. See that it's chunking up. That's good. You don't want to go too far. It'll turn into butter. You don't want to eat butter. I don't think.
All right, so now we've got our whipped cream. It's all whipped up. It's nice and thick and we want to take our yogurt here and just throw that in. It's got the pineapple chunks in there. I typically use two of these. Dump it right in.
Now, the tricky part, because we whipped up our on whipped cream, you just want to kind of fold this stuff in. You're not going to want to blend it. You want to kind of fold it. See how that works? You just kind of fold it in. I think that's probably pretty good right there.
We're going to grab our pie crust, going to take the little plastic top off because you can use it later and you're going to put it on top, all right? So here's what we're going to do with this. You're just going to kind of shove it in there and then just kind of work your way around. Try to do this, kind of put it around a little bit. And might as well put some more in, living on the edge today, guys.
So now the easy part, just stick this lid back on because we don't want massive freezer burn. Don't worry if the stuff goes out the side like that. That doesn't matter. And then we're going stick it in the freezer and we're going to let it sit for a few hours and by the time we're done making dinner, we'll pull this out and it'll be awesome.
Our pie is all done. It's been in the freezer for a couple of hours. Now we're ready to try it out. So, we're going to pull the top off here. Let's set that aside. Oh, that looks good. Well, look at that.
All right, let's give this a try because I think this, oh my God, see it gets that crunchiness. It's like a light frosty crunchiness to it which is so good. Oh my God. You're going to love this. Make it for your family tonight. They'll love it! Get some yogurt, get some whipped cream and shove this in your face because it's so good you're going to love it.
So, go to dads that cook dot com. You can find the recipe there. I'll see you next time.