
Riccardo Righi - Information Flow Simulations in the Investigation of Economic Complex Systems

Riccardo Righi - Information Flow Simulations in the Investigation of Economic Complex Systems The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission is acknowledged as the source of this research/work.
Disclaimer: The views expressed are purely those of the author and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.

The seminar discusses the use of simulations of information flows for the investigation of complex systems related to digital economy. Two case studies are presented.
The first concerns the investigation of an equity crowdfunding platform based in the UK. To categorize the nodes of such network, the implementation of a cluster analysis on investors allows the identification of three profiles: Small Investors, Serial Investors and Highly Involved Investors. Similarly, three clusters emerge from companies' characteristics.
The structural properties of the platform are then investigated through the detection of groups of agents that are likely to generate internal social capital due to dense connections.
Our results show that Small Investors, through investments on different types of companies, significantly interconnect distinct communities, thus contributing to generate a cohesive network structure. Hence they structurally support information exchange throughout the platform.
The second case study is about the investigation of the techno-economic complex system defined by economic worldwide institutions (e.g. firms, governmental institutions and research institutes) actively contributing in the field of Artificial Intelligence in the period 2009-2018. We discuss the theoretical basis supporting the construction of a multi-layer network representing the Artificial Intelligence agent-artifact space.

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