
Scottish Independence SHATTERED: For many more years there will be Scottish MPs in Commons! - Gove

Scottish Independence SHATTERED: For many more years there will be Scottish MPs in Commons! - Gove Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove has told MPs that the UK should not be subject to EU rules under a free trade agreement. He said that the UK government would go further than EU rules on the environment.

Patricia Gibson (SNP) asked Michael Gove if he thinks that Brexit imposed on Scotland will increase or decrease constitutional tensions across the UK?

Michael Gove told her:

"Britain leaving the EU will mean that there is a greater degree of harmony between every part of the United Kingdom.

It is so lovely to have so many SNP Members here in the Westminster Parliament.

Mister Gove ended his reply with a clear dig to SNP's Scottish independence dream:

"I know that for many, many years to come, there will be representation for Scotland here in Westminster, and that is a lovely thing."



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