
The Isaianic View of the Children of Believers (Isaiah 61:9)

The Isaianic View of the Children of Believers (Isaiah 61:9) The Isaianic View of the Children of Believers (Isaiah 61:9) by Rev. Angus Stewart, a sermon at the baptism of Micah James Hall
I. Taught in Messianic Prophecy
II. Reinforced by Jesus Christ
III. Rich With Practical Implication
B. Wielenga: “… let us not forget that in its deepest ground, the covenant is not a consequence of baptism and a gift at baptism. On the contrary, baptism is a fruit of the covenant and a seal on the covenant. After all, we speak of baptism as a seal of the covenant. Did not the Lord God first establish a covenant of grace with Abraham, before he gave him the sign of circumcision as a confirmation of the covenant? Does our form not also say that the children are therefore baptized, because as members of the church (thus of the covenant) they ought to be baptized? So the covenant is the holy embrace and blessed outpouring of divine love, of which the drops of baptism are the golden seal” (The Reformed Baptism Form, p. 67).

Isaianic,Baptism,Children,Believers,Isaiah 61:9,Taught,Messianic,Prophecy,Reinforced,Rich,Practical,Implication,Jesus,Christ,Jehovah,God,Religion,

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