
Home Depot Lot Associate.THIS JOB SUCKS.FUNNY.

Home Depot Lot Associate.THIS JOB SUCKS.FUNNY. Finally fed up at work so I start to see how bad and counter productive I can be before getting noticed or fired.
I HAVE 3 VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE OF ME DOING THE HOME DEPOT LOT. I JUST DIDNT CARE ANYMORE SO I DID SOME FUNNY STUFF. CHECK IT OUT. ITS CALLED.... HOME DEPOT LOT.WILL THIS EVER END!yeah , that's pretty much the job. Although u think it is important to know that atleast at my home Depot I worked at, it is the only position they would deliberately not have someone doing the lot for a few hours before you come in just to save the company 10 a hour. You get there and literally every cart is out there( regular carts, flat carts,lumber carts and the most inconvenient cart of all, the Race car kid cart. Before you can even get a single cart inside, you will get called for loading assistance in your radio for maybe something like a lawn mower in the other side of the store and when u get there, the extremely dumb customer only drives like a Miata or some small car inwhich there is no way to even fit it and waste alot of time explaining to the customer on how there is no way to get it in and without saying it, explain how stupid he is. So now you can get back to your job inwhich you have not even got to start yet getting carts. But, when you start to walk out to the lot, a customer will stop you for assistance either finding a item or on where customer service return desk is and at that point you can nicely let them know that it is kind of hard to find because it is under a huge sign that says customer service. You then might be able to bring a few carts in but, within about 15 minutes, you are called for loading assistance in Lumber ,once again on the other side of the store and on your way down there most likely a random customer will stop you again to see if you can assist them in a certain section because they can't find anyone who is working. This is when you will let the customer know that you are needed at the moment but, on your way you can call someone else who can assist them but, that if they still need help when done with loading assistance, you will gladly help them. So you will go down to lumber and on the way, stopping another associate with a store phone to call over the PA, assistance is needed in whatever section the customer is.
So when you get to Lumber and even though you got there asap, now you might be dealing with a angry customer because of the wait and he has a cart full of some lumber. Again when you and the lumber customer get out to the parking lot, if you're lucky you will have a truck but more often than not, it will be a midsize car and they have the plan to just tie it to the roof. Also please don't forget that while all this is going on there's no one in the parking lot and every cart you manage to get inside is back in the parking lot. Anyways, back to the lumber customer. you will now need to get some string to help tie the lumber on the guys roof and it will take some time to do so and while your finishing up you will get another call for loading assistance on the other side the store. So when you're done with the lumber you start to head down to the call for assistance. While on your way you might encounter the same customer still waiting for assistance in a aisle from earlier because no one showed up. At this point you begin to become anxious because you need to decide if you should not go right away to the loading assistance call and help this customer because he needed help first but, whoever made the call for loading assistance will have no idea of this and think that you are slacking off. Whatever you decide to do is a decision you need to make quickly and honestly whatever you decide to do, you are going to piss off atleast one of the customers. Finally when you get everyone helped, the assistant manager or someone like that will locate you in order to say that we have no carts for customers and say it like you are lazy. Trust me, it is not worth even saying you have been busy non stop because 1. It is all expected from you and 2. They won't care.
You now go out to the parking lot and by this time, carts are literally everywhere, seriously, everywhere. I just want to take a moment to say to the world. Please don't push your shopping cart into the flower beds so they don't roll away, it is hugely inconvenient. Please just take the moment to put the cart where they go.
Anyways ,your day will basically repeat the same issues over and over and slowly when it gets later and less people are shopping, you will start seeing a little progress with bringing in the carts and then by closing, you are busting butt to get them all inside and when you finally get them all inside 5 minutes before closing, some jackass customer will show up to do some shopping. Once you stalk this guy with his cart out into the lot,like a total creep, you can bring it inside and go home and totally reevaluating your life choices inwhich pushing carts became my profession. There is so much more

Home Depot,funny,funny work videos,trying to get fired,fed up with job,underpaid,frustrated,counter productive,lot associate,parking lot,shopping carts,

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