
In what condition is Vikram Lander? | S-400 delivered to India within 18-19 months | Astra Missile

In what condition is Vikram Lander? | S-400 delivered to India within 18-19 months | Astra Missile This video is related to.....

1) In what condition is Vikram Lander?

ISRO scientists have found out where their Vikram lander is. Lander Vikram lost contact with ISRO while landing on the moon on the night of 6 September. Because of this scientists were frustrated, disappointed. Siwon of the head of ISRO was so disappointed that he wept bitterly. But on the evening of 7 September, he had hoped that the orbiter would find out the lander.

And that's exactly what happened. By the afternoon of September 8, Chandrayaan 2's orbiter has located the lander Vikram. ISRO chief K Sivan has said that the optical high resolution camera (OHRC) in the orbiter has sent a picture of Vikram Lander. The lander looks safe in it, but it has fallen upside down 500 meters away from the fixed landing place.

Till now, it was not possible to know what happened to Vikram Lander. But now it is clear that Vikram has landed on the moon's surface. Even if 500 meters from the place where it was to descend.

2) India can set up base on Moon in 10 years: Ex-DRDO scientist

Former DRDO scientist A Sivathanu Pillai has claimed India will be able to set up a base on the surface of Moon in ten years for extraction of the Helium-3. Speaking to the "War and Peace" programme on DD News, Pillai said, "In the space programme, we are one of the four countries that have complete mastery over technology."

Pillai, who had spearheaded the Brahmos Missiles programme, said, "India will be able to set up a factory on Moon to process huge reserves of precious raw material and bring the extracted Helium-3 to Earth," a statement by War and Peace said.Helium-3 will be the new energy material for future, he said.

Helium-3 is a non-radioactive material that can produce 100 times more energy than Uranium.Pillai said India's base on Moon will also "become a hub for future launches" for missions to other planets in the solar system.He said, "Now, there are interests from the US, Russia and China to create base on Moon, (so) India will naturally follow".

3) S-400 systems will be delivered to India within 18-19 months: Russia

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov on Sunday said S-400 air defence missile systems will be delivered to India in strict accordance with the schedule."The advance payment has been received and everything will be delivered in strict accordance with the schedule, within about 18-19 months," Borisov told state-owned broadcaster Rossiya-1.

Last month, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar was in Moscow to meet his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov to discuss ways to further advance bilateral cooperation.

India had signed a $5.43-billion deal with Russia for the purchase of five S-400 systems during the 19th India-Russia Annual Bilateral Summit in New Delhi on October 5 last year for long-term security needs.

4) Air Force to place fresh orders for Astra Missile

Indian Air Force (IAF) will be receiving the first batch of Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile (BVR-AAM) Astra by end of this year and Defence Ministry and IAF have started the process of placing fresh orders for the Astra missile by end of this year or early 2020 for at least 100 units produced by defense PSU Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL).
BEL is already manufacturing of 50 pre-production samples ordered by IAF.

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