
In Determination

In Determination “In Determination” is driven by a single melodic idea, first stated emphatically in unison in all four string parts plus the right hand of the piano. While in one sense there is really no end to the material that can evolve out of any motive, I was determined to get as much out of the figure as I could. The theme returns twice with the same character, but in other parts of the piece (the central developmental section in particular) the theme is transformed in various ways. Against this primary idea that is quite restless there is a second much calmer melody. This opposing theme plays on the title of the work by being more indeterminate; the title can subsequently be understood either as “in determination” or simply “indetermination.”

See also:

Patrick Yim, Natalie Lin, violin
Kerry Kavalo, viola
Kenny Lee, cello
Sophie Scolnik-Brower, piano

Benjamin Park,classical,contemporary,

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