
Is The NRA an EVIL Domestic Terrorist Organization and Will Joining Get Your Guns Confiscated Later?

Is The NRA an EVIL Domestic Terrorist Organization and Will Joining Get Your Guns Confiscated Later? On this episode of TGS, Billy the Kid briefly dives into some info about the NRA and answers some common questions about the organization like is it really a domestic terrorist organization, what's their purpose today, what is some of the benefits for joining, and will joining get you on some kind of list that could get your guns confiscated in the future? Thanks for stopping by and if you like the content please give it a thumbs up, subscribe, and share with others.


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Alot of the info sourced came from

You can join the NRA here

See the governments incompetance for yourself here
and here

the ATF firearm transaction form you must fill out when going to purchase a firearm

credit to 3DB7 for the instrumental check they're channel out @

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