
Here's What You Can Substitute For Cumin

Here's What You Can Substitute For Cumin If you've ever tried your hand at preparing Middle Eastern or Asian dishes, then there's a good chance you've probably come across cumin at some point, too. Not everyone has a fully-stocked kitchen, though, so what do you do if you're halfway through prepping and you realize you haven't got any?

No, don't give up hope just yet. If you do discover that you've got no cumin on hand, there are plenty of workable substitutes that you're just as likely to have in your pantry.

When it comes to replacing cumin with other spices, it's important to know what to look out for. Cumin has a warm, nutty and earthy taste that can really round out the flavor of a savory recipe, and while it does have a distinctive taste, you can still come close to matching its flavor thanks to a few spice cabinet staples. Take caraway seeds, for example. Caraway seeds closely resemble cumin seeds, in fact, both come from the parsley family of herbs, and the two seeds looks so similar that it's easy for people to get confused between the two. If you look closer, though, you'll see that caraway is a little smaller and darker in color, and while cumin can be used as whole seeds or ground, caraway is typically only used as a seed.

Although caraway seeds won't have quite the same warm flavor profile as cumin, they are still similar enough to work as a substitute. Due to what some consider an anise flavor of caraway, however, it's recommended that you start with half as many caraway seeds as the cumin the recipe calls for, and adjust to taste from there.

Keep watching the video to learn more about what you can substitute for cumin!

#Cumin #FoodHacks

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