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In this lesson, we are going to learn how to figure out which scale to play over any chord progression.
It all starts with the major scale. You should familiarize yourself with the sound of the major scale so it becomes second nature.
In most of western music, there are always seven-note scales. The important question is: which of the seven notes to use?
At this point, we need to talk about intervals and their sub-classification. They can be major or minor, perfect, augmented or diminished. In the major scale, all intervals are major with the exception of the fourth and the fifth, those are perfect.
With help from a backing track, I'm going to show the process of figuring out the scale to play over it. First, we need to find the root note and being able to sing the major scale from that root.
If the major scale does not work that is when we need to start altering the intervals so we can find the right scale. For example, over a minor track, we need to change the major third for a minor third and the major seventh for a minor seventh.
To go more in deep over these concepts you should check out the accompanying assets for this video, they are totally free!
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