
Japanese-American Soldier Recalls World War 2 | Memoirs Of WWII #19

Japanese-American Soldier Recalls World War 2 | Memoirs Of WWII #19 Noboru Seki of the 442nd Infantry Regiment recalls the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese-American internment camps, and proudly serving his country in combat in spite of segregation and racial inequality.

Memoirs of WWII Website:

Written and Directed by Joshua Scott
Filmed by Christian McLean
Edited by Joshua Scott and Christian McLean
Post Audio by Lane Tarr

Archive Footage Sources:

U.S. Department of Defense

Archive Photograph Sources:
National Archives and Records Administration
Library of Congress
United States Government
U.S. Army

Musical Score Source:

Artlist Songs and Composers:
“Skies Above” by Caleb Etheridge
“Impavid” by Charlie Ryan
“Thoughts in Motion” by Tristan Barton
“Beta Theme II” by Kyle Preston

“Hawaiian Night” written by Lee S. Roberts
performed by the Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra

“Memoirs Of WWII Theme” written by Joshua Scott
performed by Jonathan Hadinger and Joshua Scott

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