
SixBlindKids - Blind Girl *TRIES* To Walk A Beagle Puppy. There's Only ONE Problem!

SixBlindKids - Blind Girl *TRIES* To Walk A Beagle Puppy.  There's Only ONE Problem! You would think that a blind girl could walk a dog pretty easily, right? Not when the dog is a six-month old Beagle puppy, ArnieTheBeagle, and he's never really walked with someone before who has a nifty red and white cane with a cool marshmallow ball on the bottom! The cane just shouts "IT'S PLAYTIME"! Bethany, who was born blind, gives it her her best shot, and tries to power through this first attempt (with mixed results), 🀣. It's obviously a training issue for both Bethany AND Arnie, so please, laugh with us at this first attempt!

Bethany is 20 years old and was adopted from Thailand at age 7. Her blindness is due to ROP, Retinopathy of Prematurity.

In another clip, Bethany and her sister Hannah, who was also born blind, laugh hysterically while listening to a video from our YouTube channel. Their reactions are priceless!

Music by
We Should Start Right Now by Loving Caliber
Just As Good by Eric Feinberg
Just A Boy by Brett Gregory

Our new Beagle puppy, Arnie, has his own YouTube channel, so you can watch videos about him specifically. You can subscribe to the ArnieTheBeagle YouTube channel here:

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πŸ’• Sunny Lin
πŸ’• Ashleigh S.
πŸ’• WhatzGames
πŸ’• Margaret A Sibbits
πŸ’• Lizzie Williamson
πŸ’• Cheyanne Thomas
πŸ’• Madison Smallwood
πŸ’• Alice Kelly
πŸ’• Heidi Fang
πŸ’• Nicole Holwerda
πŸ’• Lynda Pham
πŸ’• Sigo Zi
πŸ’• Jimmy Jiang
πŸ’• Robert Moskow
πŸ’• Peter Ellis
πŸ’• Adam Skonieczny
πŸ’• Louisa Herridge
πŸ’• Jason Comport
πŸ’• Stine
πŸ’• Samara Hamilton
πŸ’• Alicja
πŸ’• Victoria Malone
πŸ’• Kirsten Barbee
πŸ’• Laura LaForge
πŸ’• Danae Lelina
πŸ’• Rina
πŸ’• Isabel Ewing
πŸ’• Alyssa Lin
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