This episode was fucking amazing in almost every way. The blindside did require an advantage, but felt like the advantage didn’t do all the work, as Missy and Aaron had to stay with Lairo. The beginning with crazy Noura was good, I loved the development of Jamal and Jack, that challenge was amazing, and the vote was shocking. I really thought we had no chance of losing Jason with his edit, but it happened. I was gonna say I think Jamal would be safe after this episode, but with Jason’s edit being a sixth boot edit, maybe Noura really does make a move on Jamal. Loving this season sm. This episode also opened up the Lairo VS Vokai thing, giving Lairo a chance to not just get picked off.
Survivor Island of the Idols: Jason Blindsided
Survivor Island of the Idols: Jason Voted Out
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