
What's the IMPACT of Written Goals & a Business Plan?!? Money Monday #180

What's the IMPACT of Written Goals &  a Business Plan?!? Money Monday #180 What impact does having a Business Plan in writing and your goals in writing have as you enter 2020?

Hey! I’m Rich Motts! Welcome to Money Monday Session 180!
As we enter from 2019 into 2020… You definitely need a Business Plan and you need it in writing! We’re going to be talking about that today in Session 180!

1st I want to talk to you about something that my favorite coach has taught me and I’ve used over the years and I’ve used in many talks with my Realtors as I travel around the different offices! And this is a couple of things I really like to drive home when we are talking about Business Planning!

1st off is… what got you here in your business isn’t going to get you where you want to be in your Business! So think about that as we go through this exercise today.

The 2nd thing that really hits home is… here are your actions that you do…day to day… week to week… and here are your goals… And they usually are this far apart, if not this far apart! What you need to do is get them BAM!... in line like that! So again… here are your actions and here are your goals… you need to align them and get them lined up!

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”

In the book What They Don't Teach You in the Harvard Business School, Mark McCormack tells a study conducted on students… the students were asked…

• "Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?"
• Only three percent of the graduates had written goals and plans;
• 13 percent had goals, but they were not in writing;
• And a whopping 84 percent had no specific goals at all!!!!
• Ten years later, the members of the class were interviewed again, and the findings, while somewhat predictable…
• Were nonetheless astonishing!
• The 13 percent of the class who had goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84 percent who had no goals at all.
• And what about the three percent who had clear, written goals?
• They were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97 percent put together.
• In spite of such proof of success, most people don't have clear, measurable, time-bounded goals that they work toward.

• Why don’t we talk to our Past Clients & People in our Center of Influence?

• 83% of people would use YOU again but they never do because they NEVER hear from you!

• Each person in your Data Base is worth 8 sales in a Lifetime! All the life changes that happen in their lives and everyone in their Sphere of Influence!

• Number of people in your Data Base times 10% equals the deals you will get from them if you just use these systems consistently!

• 12 Relevant emails with great information about the Market Place!

• 12 Effective mailers a year!

• 4 personal touches… 1.) Phone Call 2.) Facebook Message 3.) Text Message 4.) Bomb Bomb or Video Text!


A free link to a GREAT Business plan from Tom ferry is attached in my notes below the video! And I have 3 other great business plans I use in coaching too!

 I hope you liked this video! It’s real important “as you know” to take action.

If you need any more information on Business Planning for 2020 … feel free to reach out to me!

I’m Rich Motts and I’ll see you next Money Monday!

Money Monday,Rich Motts,Real Estate Coaching,Motivation,

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