
3 types of customers that you should save in your phone to help you follow up better.

3 types of customers that you should save in your phone to help you follow up better. In the world of sales you have to follow up with your customers. You need a system to help you keep in contact with your prospects

You should be using text messages to increase engagement and frequency with your clients.

Here are 3 types of customer to save in your phone👇🏾

New Customers:

This is your client and your client can bring you more clients. If you have went above and beyond for your client then your client will go above and beyond for you by getting you more customers.

Deposit Customers:

You client that wants to buy but they can’t because they are not financially able. The good news is that they have made the decision to buy but you have to follow up.

Possible Customer:

This is someone that is on the fence about making a purchase but you can see them making a purchase in the future based on what you have learned. Make sure you follow up with these customers because if you have done a good job educating them they will soon enough make the right decision and buy.

It’s holiday time and this presents an opportunity for you to create more frequency with your clients.

Try it this season with a client that has been elusive with you. Text them Happy Holidays and include their name if you can. They will most likely respond with “same to you” this will get them to think about doing business with you. -

By the way if this helps you make money then you owe me some🤣


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