
Fact-Check: Is FAQ by “Govt Sources” on CAA-NRC Misleading?

Fact-Check: Is FAQ by “Govt Sources” on CAA-NRC Misleading? With so many protests against the NRC and the CAA being reported everyday, so many people dissenting vocally against the government decisions, so many areas under section 144 — let's go back to the beginning — why are these protests happening anyway? What exactly are people opposed to? Are people dissenting because they're miscalculating the impact of the NRC and the CAA?

Recently, ANI put up an FAQ on NRC and CAA attributing it not to the government, not to any experts, just sources. This was done to prevent misinformation according to the document.

“Do not get misled, do not fall victim to misinformation. Here are the real facts on Citizenship Amendment Act,” the fact sheet reads.

In India, where it's raining misinformation and fake news on social media and WhatsApp forwards everyday, is this particular FAQ on the CAA and the NRC that's based on "government sources" presenting absolute truths. Tune in to The Big Story, where we analyse the facts that this FAQ provides and how much of it is actually valid.

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