😋So what can you control you can always can control your attitude how are you approaching
whatever scenario approaching is it from a positive standpoint?
💪And then of course your effort what level of effort are you putting into your daily tasks? Are you approaching it with a hundred and ten percent effort knowing you're gonna give your very very best?
😎Your behavior right? What's it look like on the outside? What do people see how are you interacting with people?
👍And then of course your actions you're always in control of your actions right you don't get to control what happens to you but you control how you act afterwards
👉and then the things you can't control it's other people's opinions it's other people's actions it's other people's feelings about what you do and then it's other people's
mistakes you can't control those things so don't worry about it and just focus on what you can control!! 💪😋😎👀🥅
Who Am I? I'm Seattle's #1 weight and fat loss expert Ian Weinberg! My 8 Seattle studios are in your neighborhood!