
ALTERING CLIMATE DATA: For The Global Warming - Climate Change Agenda 29-30 Dec 2019

ALTERING CLIMATE DATA: For The Global Warming - Climate Change Agenda 29-30 Dec 2019 ***Please check out the links below...
No Climate Conspiracy: Changing Maximum Temperature Data by The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) - NOAA temperature adjustments - Hadcrut4 Data Riddled with Errors,
HadCRUT4 is a global temperature dataset, providing gridded temperature anomalies across the world as well as averages for the hemispheres and the globe as a whole. CRUTEM4 and HadSST3 are the land and ocean components of this overall dataset, respectively.

***Link to Malcolm Roberts Twitter:

***Link to JoNova article: Who knew? The Australian Bureau of Met just made last summer hotter, and history colder (again)
The cheapest way to prevent man-made global warming is stop the BOM altering the data:

***Hadcrut4 data audit: UPDATE – BOMBSHELL: audit of global warming data finds it riddled with errors:

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts has accused the Bureau of Meteorology of promoting a climate change narrative during his questioning of the weather agency’s director as part of Senate estimates.
The senator has long pushed back at scientific evidence promoting the role of fossil fuel emissions in causing climate change and alarmism over its impact.
But in estimates, he pointed to a graph which he says can no longer be accessed on the Bureau of Meteorology's website. He said this had outlined the number of "very hot days" from 1920 to 2015, suggesting the bureau had removed the graph because it didn't fit a climate change narrative.
"This graph goes against the narrative of the climate extremists and it was removed," the Queensland senator said.
“It can no longer be accessed.
"Was it removed because it goes against the narrative or was it removed because there was an error?"
BOM's CEO Dr Andrew Johnson said he had not seen the graph referenced, but rejected the idea the weather agency would adopt any such narrative.
"Firstly, I reject the premise of your overarching question," he said.
"The Bureau of Meteorology simply reports on the data which it observes.
"Integrity of our data is of the highest order and I stand absolutely, 100 per cent behind it."

***More Videos:


climate change,global warming hoax,climate change hoax,new world order,one world government,united nations,corrupt governments,paris agreement,green house gas,C02,corrupt united nations,nsw fires,victoria fires,2019,2020,agenda 21,agenda 2030,genocide,trump 2020,CSIRO,Malcolm Roberts,HadCRUT4,Hadcrut4 data audit,Climate Conspiracy,Alterations To Climate Data,NOAA,NASA,BOM,

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