Today, we all know that there is an epidemic of 'fake news', but did you know that you often tell yourself 'fake stories'?We have the tendency to assemble unrelated events of the past into stories that we keep telling ourself. These stories are often gratifying to narrate, but they are misleading. They lead to a sense of certainty and coherence, but they are founded on half-truths...They are not real.
To make matters worse, we also go around narrating these same stories to other people, often hoping for some appreciation and acceptance and even admiration...It makes us feel good to dominate the conversation and tell these stories about how great you are, but do you really think that people are not on to you? Do you think you can fool people? Just because they seem to be enjoying your big stories, it doesn't mean that they believe you!
That's why Epictetus, the great Stoic philosopher said,
" In public avoid talking often and extensively about your accomplishments and adventures, for however much you enjoy recounting your adventures, it's not so pleasant for others to hear about your affairs..."
Enchiridion 33:14
So next time you are about to open your mouth, ask yourself: Is it true? is it kind? Is it useful?
Alkistis Agio, MA Psychotherapy Phd Transpersonal Counselling offers exclusive Skype coaching for individuals & seminars on Self-Leadership for professionals and their teams. Download the "Free Report “ The 3 Golden Principles of Self Leadership, from Greek Philosophy" here:
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