#PHILLIPSFamBam #SoNervous #FirstTime #HelloFresh
Hello FamBammers thanks for joining us for another PHILLIPS FamBam Vlog where Elijah expresses how nervous he is. He let Braden, his older brother, know that he was nervous about his first time passing the sacrament at church. The first time doing something is always a little nerve wracking and can get you a bit anxious. It is always nice for a parent to see siblings support each other when one is really nervous about doing something for the first time. Braden also updates us on the latest with his mission and Tina cooks up an amazing Hello Fresh dinner for all of us before we head out to the Movie Theatre. Come join us for another Family Fun Filled Vlog with the PHILLIPS FamBam.
Yesterday’s Vlog: The Future is Now:
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CHOOSE YOUR DAY: Everyday you will be faced with circumstances beyond your control. It is up to you how you will CHOOSE to react