
Pitties Who Get ‘Married’ Are Looking For A Home | The Dodo Adopt Me!

Pitties Who Get ‘Married’ Are Looking For A Home | The Dodo Adopt Me! Moose and Nala are bonded pitties who are looking for a special home. They were abandoned with their 7 puppies in July 2019. All of the puppies were adopted out quickly, but Moose and Nala still need a home. They even got married and wear tags that show their love for each other.

Moose and Nala are looking for their forever home! If you're interested in adopting Moose and Nala, visit: You can help Pope Memorial Human Society NH care for more dogs like Moose and Nala by donating to: You can keep up with Emily and all of her animal shelter visits for Shelter A Day on Instagram:

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animal video,animals,the dodo,Animal Rescue,dodo,cute animals,pets,wildlife,pet videos,wildlife videos,animals the dodo,the dodo animals,rescuing animals,Pitties,the dodo pitties,pittie,pitbull,pitbulls,pit bulls,pit bull,the dodo dogs,adopt me,the dodo adopt me,bonded pair dogs,dog adoption,adoption dogs,

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