
There is always a people behind the scene of any Festival & Marriage which makes a programme Success

There is always a people behind the scene of any Festival & Marriage which makes a programme Success Every Person is important in our life and are inter dependent to each other to do a great things or a small things this is a video clip showing while preparing for a lunch for a Marriage Ceremony at one of a Tangkhul Village here it depicts that we are needed to work in a Team not only in sports but in everyfied so that we can able to achieve the things together which an any individual person does not able to do himself so let us know and appreciate the people which plays a very important role and contribute their service behind the scene to the society while arranging for a great Function and Programmes without them the result may not be as per our expectations and most of us were ignoring by only appreciating the visible things they are always deserve our appreciation and acknowledgement and we should know that we have our own role because of our Talent which cannot be replaced by other.


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