
Economic Update: Larger Social Changes to Support Worker Co-Ops

Economic Update: Larger Social Changes to Support Worker Co-Ops [S10 E08] Larger Social Changes to Support Worker Co-Ops

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This week on Economic Update, Professor Wolff responds to a criticism aimed at how d@w focuses too much on the transition from capitalist firms to worker co-op firms with too little attention paid to the larger social changes needed to move towards a worker-owned economy and thusly, beyond capitalism. Professor Wolf answers this criticism by discussing the broader social changes necessary to sustain a worker co-op based economy including the economic tools our government could use to sustain an economy-wide sharing of profits and resources as deemed necessary by the people participating in, working and creating in, the industries they as employees could and would control.
Prof. Wolff's latest book "Understanding Socialism"

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Richard Wolff,democracy,work,labor,economy,economics,inequality,justice,capitalism,capital,socialism,wealth,income,wages,poverty,worker co-ops,cooperatives,co-ops,economic democracy,profits,yt:cc=on,Marx,costs,social change,

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