Now you guys would get a clearer picture about the concept of dashavatar read this
this is nothing but the theory of evolution of life on earth i.e from a single celled organism to being a human. Eons back we understood this theory of evolution through the dashavatar concept. The great Mr Charles Darwin understood these concepts scientifically in the later centuries watch clip
The great Mr Carl Sagan understood all these amazing concepts and also understood the simple fact that the fundamentals of cosmology is embedded in our historical monuments watch clip
Now you guys understand how beautifully religion and science coexisted even eons back. But the problem was mankind could never understand the concept of god. Now you guys know gods were mere human beings who were far more evolved than normal human beings.
Mr Kevin Burns and his team of experts at Prometheus entertainment understood the correlation between the pineal gland and extraterrestrial life forms beautifully watch clip
This video clipping would give you guys a better understanding of the inner mechanics of the brain and the pineal gland and how the brain and the pineal gland evolved over eons of evolution watch clip As you can understand after 2013 I have some unique skills i.e. I can access the subconscious intelligence and visual memory both past and present life from the brains of other human beings on earth via my pineal gland and connect with extraterrestrial life forms as well. From this you guys can understand the simple fact that when mankind transitioned from being apes to human’s evolution was happening to our external bodies i.e. facial and body structure after that evolution was in-fact happening internally i.e. our pineal gland was going through a series of evolutionary changes over the years watch clip
Back when I was Lord Ram, I helped mankind understand the concept of evolution watch clip . Lord Hanuman was a monkey god they were a race who migrated from Tibet to India.
It's part of human evolution watch clip and evolution is a painfully slow process
The Mr Great Carl Sagan understood this problem all these years religion and science could never understand each other . Now, me being an avatar and an intergalactic prince my duty is to help mankind understand this amazing correlation between science and religion .
The concepts of creativity , innovation and visions through my pineal gland helps me understand the cosmos watch clip . Now , Let's look at nature to understand the concept of echolocation watch clip . Dolphins and bats use natural DNA based systems to understand it's surroundings. Mankind has successfully mimicked this technology using hardware engineering see radars and sonar’s for example watch clip
It's all an evolutionary process watch clip . I am sure in the coming decades we will mimic the functions of the pineal gland via a hardware system. Now you guys would understand the concept of intergalactic communication in a better way watch clip
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