
The Fist of Ra-Den is Quite Alright for 4 Mana | Solem Hearthstone

The Fist of Ra-Den is Quite Alright for 4 Mana | Solem Hearthstone The Fist of Ra-Den was released about a week ago (week ago) and we played the most insane Shaman deck ever (not really). Despite getting the weapon on Turn 4 there was not that big of a difference compared to the past 6 years without the card. Its nice to have a random minion on your side of the field after you clear the board but its usually not needed

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If you have time to play the adventure and you just got the weapon I would not suggest to disenchant it immediately but if you do, pls tweet at me :p

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🎵 Outro by Lakey Inspired - Blue Boi

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I make Hearthstone Videos & Stream Every Day on Twitch so if you like Hearthstone Gameplay make sure to Subscribe! Twitch Prime btw

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