
Why you should have *BOTH* a Help To Buy ISA *AND* a Lifetime ISA ...

Why you should have *BOTH* a Help To Buy ISA *AND* a Lifetime ISA ... Are you saving up to buy a house in the UK and wondering whether the Help To Buy ISA and/or the Lifetime ISA (LISA) are for you? In this video, I share why you're better off having BOTH, and using the government bonus from your LISA towards your first property. I discuss interest rates, house prices, the uk market (brexit), compound interest, and more. Enjoy!

The LISA I have:
How to understand the Lifetime ISA:
More info on LISAs:



(I am not a financial advisor)
Other useful links:

1) My Yoni Wellness & Yoni Steaming Instagram:
2) My Yoni Wellness & Yoni Steaming website:
3) Complete Guide To DIY Yoni Steaming (incl. video + audio):
4) Affordable Yoni Steaming Chair for DIY Yoni steams (from Amazon):
5) Yoni Egg 101 guide:
6) My 'Law Of Attraction Chic' instagram page:
7) My Press-on DIY Nails (from amazon):
8) The glue I use for my press-on nails (from amazon):

* Some links are affiliate, meaning that if you care to purchase any of the products linked in the description box, I make a small commission. It does not change the price in any way, however, it enables me making more content on my channel. I am not paid or asked to use these links.

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