
I'm Sick and Tired of My Situation

I'm Sick and Tired of My Situation Do any of you ever feel like your living a life of repetitive motion? That's the way I currently feel on my current path in life. It's pointless to hate your life so that's why I'm here to encourage each and one of you to make a positive change for the future.

All troll comments will be reported and blocked. Zero tolerance for all hateful, rude and attacks torwards my family. BTW I'm not desperate for view count or subscribers.

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Social Collapse,Society,Sociology,People,Goals,societal collapse,Mental Health,Future,Past,Stuck,I hate my job,I hate Myself,exercise,buying new car,complacent,psychology,change,environment,Positive thinking,New Years Resolution,Dying inside,Feelings,My Life,Daily Journal,I Hate My Life,Financial decision,bad decisions,good decisions,Career Change,new opportunity,Leaving,New Beginning,Toyota Land Cruiser,Ford Mustang,

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