Follow my closet: @sumiiitupcloset
#AYEAF for the Golden State Warriors! Lots of hype w/ the trade deadline approaching us! Will the Warriors make a move? Will they be great again? Is the dynasty over? We asked GS fans for their opinion!
I'm ready for 100k and beyond. Let's do this SHFTEAM! Love yall, hope you guys enjoy the first video of 2020!
I have the following episodes done: Phoenix Suns, Denver Nuggets, Los Angeles Clippers, and San Francisco 49ers. Let me know which one you want first in the comments below :)
If you're new (or not), but before you ask, yes, I'm still a Golden State Warriors fan, and always will be :) Dub Nation for life.
► Road to 100,000 Subscribers!
► Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat: @sumiiitup
#SanFrancisco #49ers #AYEAF #AreYouEvenAFan #NFL #NBA
Very excited for this next year of 'Are You Even a Fan' episodes. SO many great teams and lots of change. Will also be posting different content too but the 'Loyal vs Bandwagons' series will keep coming, don't worry!
Let me know which teams you want me to do next! Thinking of doing some MLB and NFL episodes too so comment me suggestions!
Until next time, hopefully soon.